In slobodker yeshive
The song 'In slobodker yeshive' (In the Slobodka yeshiva) drew its inspiration, like several other ghetto songs, from Abraham Goldfaden's well-known Yiddish lullaby 'Rozhinkes mit mandlen' (Raisins and almonds). Avrom Akselrod based his new lyrics on Goldfaden's melody, transforming the original image of a mother singing of her son's future into a prophecy that the Jews of the Kovno ghetto would one day be liberated. The song urges Jews to 'tell of our history, / Tell your children of our hellish pain'.
From the CD Hidden History: Songs of the Kovno Ghetto (1997), courtesy of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Musica dai ghetti
Canzone d'attualitÃ