Этот глоссарий содержит опеределения терминов, которые испольуются на этом веб-сайте, включая немецкие слова. Толкование некоторых исторических терминов, связанных с темеой Холокоста, Вы можете найти на веб-сайте US Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia (Энциклопедия Мемориального Музея Холокоста США)
Name | Description |
Aktion | Operation (military) |
Anschluss | The Nazi annexation of Austria (1938) |
Appellplatz | Roll-call square |
Betar | Revisionist Zionist youth organization |
Blockälteste | Block leader |
Bund deutscher Mädel (BDM) | League of German Girls |
Canada | Warehouse in Birkenau used to sort belongings from newly-arrived transports |
Effektenkammer | Property registry office (Auschwitz) |
Einsatzgruppen/ Einsatzkommando | Mobile killing units of the SS that followed the German army into Poland and the Soviet Union |
Gazeta Żydowska | Official newspaper of ghettos in the Generalgouvernement |
Generalgouvernement | General government; name given to parts of Poland not incorporated into the Reich |
Gestapo | Nazi State secret police. |
Häftlingsselbstverwaltung | Prisoner self-government |
Ha’no’ar ha’tsiyoni | Zionist youth; youth movement |
Ha’shomer ha’tsa’ir | The Young guard; Zionist youth organization |
Hitlerjugend | Hitler youth |
Judenrat | Jewish Council; established in the Jewish ghettos on Nazi orders |
Kapo | Leader of work commandos in the Nazi concentration camps |
Kindertransport | The operation to evacuate children to Britain from Nazi Germany |
Kristallnacht | Literally, 'Night of broken glass'; state-organised pogrom that took place throughout Nazi Germany and Austria on 9-10 November 1938 |
Lager | Camp |
Lagerälteste | Camp leader |
Nazi Party | Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP); the political party led by Adolf Hitler, elected in 1933 |
Notenschreiber | Music copyists in the camp orchestras |
Partisan | A member of a military force, but not part of a regular army, fighting for the liberation of a country or group |
Passover | A Jewish festival of freedom remembering when the Jews were led out of Egypt and out of slavery by Moses |
Sturmabteilung (SA) | Storm Troopers or brown shirts; Nazi paramilitary group |
Schallerabende | Communal sing-songs in the concentration camps |
Scheine | Official work-permits issued in the ghettos |
Schreibstube | Administration office |
Schutzstaffel (SS) | Protection squad; Nazi elite unit |
Sonderkommando | Literally, 'special commando'; prisoners forced to work in the gas chambers and crematoria in the death camps |
Sonderlager | Special camp for Jewish prisoners (Sachsenhausen) |
Warthegau | Territorial administrative unit established in the Polish territories annexed to the Reich |
Wehrmacht | The German army |
Weimar Republic | At the end of the First World War, Germany was declared a republic after the Kaiser abdicated. Weimar in Germany was where the new constitution was written and the new republic was named after it. |
Yiddish | A language incorporating German, Hebrew and Balto-Slavic elements, spoken by the majority of Jews in Eastern Europe before the Second World War |
Zionism | Political movement working towards the establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people |